Events 2023

Sr.No Date Seminar Name Speaker Name Gallery
1 08-01-2023 Public Speaking Hema Halvadia View Photos
2 09-01-2023 Creative Thinking Hema Halvadia View Photos
3 27-01-2023 MS Excel for Business (Advanced) -Event only for Vasudhara Dairy Staff Dr. Sham Sachinwala View Photos
4 29-01-2023 Enhancing Sales Effectiveness Narhar Deshpande View Photos
5 10-02-2023 MS Excel for Business (Advanced) -Event only for Vasudhara Dairy Staff Dr. sham Sachinwala View Photos
6 11-02-2023 Dream India Vijai Mantri View Photos
7 18-02-2023 Game changer in chronic medical Dieses Therapy and Falls and Fractures Dr. Mayur Mehta and Dr. Mayur Ganatra View Photos
8 02-03-2023 ચાલો જીવીએ મરજી મુજબ - Sir CJNZ Madresa High School Students Only Dr.Nimesh Joshi View Photos
9 02-03-2023 ચાલો જીવીએ મરજી મુજબ- Shri Sardar Patel Vidhyabhavan High School students Only Dr.Nimesh Joshi View Photos
10 19-03-2023 Performance Under Pressure Dr. Rajeev Puri View Photos
11 24-03-2023 Future of Agro Tourism in Gujarat CA Vinodchandra Desai View Photos
12 05-04-2023 NMA Business Leadership Award (For INVITEES ONLY) NMA/AIMA/HLE Glascoat Rep. View Photos
13 22-04-2023 Responding To Change Madhu Madhav Das View Photos
14 29-04-2023 MS Excel for Business (Advanced) -Event only for Vasudhara Dairy Staff Dr. Sham Sachinwala View Photos
15 28-05-2023 Career Guidance Seminar Dr. Mehul G Thakkar View Photos
16 20-06-2023 Swimming Against Tide Ashwin Desai View Photos
17 25-06-2023 Tips for Start-Up & Opportunities In Electronics Business Sudhir Naik View Photos
18 16-07-2023 Business Etiquette and Professionalism Hiren Vakil View Photos
19 19-07-2023 Sky Stories Vijay Naik View Photos
20 28-08-2023 BOOK LAUNCHING OF “ The Making of HERO” Mr. Sunil Kant Munjal View Photos
21 03-09-2023 Digital Marketing Pushkar Tiwari View Photos
22 26-09-2023 50th AIMA,National Management Convention Misc View Photos
23 27-10-2023 10th AGM + An Evening to Appreciate and celebrate 10 years of NMA NA View Photos
24 01-12-2023 Paisa Ni Kheti Hardik Nayak View Photos